Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick change of plans

As far as my costume goes. Instead of being a bunny, I'm going to be 'Marie Antoinette'!!
I'm already trying out a hair style and picking out jewerly.
I just need to make my hair BIGGER!
For some reason though my hair isn't anywhere as big as I need it to be.
I'll have it all worked out though by Halloween.
Class tonight and hopefully some shopping for make up and hair stuff for my costume.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm not sure if you remember Did you ever get a chance to finish First Blush? I am truely sorry that I haven't gotten back to you...been really busy with wedding stuff (just got married) plus bills work and school all at also doesn't help not having a computer to get online all the time...feel free to email me at raschelworks(at)yahoo(dot)com I'll help you out with the book blogging community. ^_^ As far as the interview of Me and Daniel....well I still have yet to find a fire wire to upload the video to the internet... :( I kinda need help in that department you know how? O.o Maybe you could help! If so I could totally mail it off to you.

