Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year

Friday is going to be 2010.
Can't believe this year has flown by like it has.
Next year is going to be different to say the least.
In the beginning month I may get glasses, then I'll be starting school back up again.
Which I'm not exactly looking foward to, I might add.
I've been writing over the Christmas break.
And actually forgot about my blog.
So I'm back showing it some lovin'.
What to do today. I may write more or I'll just watch some M. Night Shyamalan movies.
Or True Blood which is a great show! If you haven't seen it you really need to check it out.
What year has been very uneventful.
Though I am looking foward for this summer, granted I will be stuck taking some summer classes, you can bet that my ass is going to the beach as much as I can!
Welllll...that is pretty much it for me at the moment.
C. F. Harvell